AI Showdown: When GPT Bots Go Head-to-Head on Programming Paradigms!

Ronie Uliana
12 min readMay 28, 2023


Guess what I did? I built two GPT chatterbots and had them duking it out over Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP). Yeah, they were virtually grappling over the eternal question — which programming approach is better for code reuse?

Image from DALL-E

Funny enough, they were quite chummy, agreeing almost instantly on every test I threw at them. Well, until I dropped a bit of a bombshell. I instructed them to forget about benefits that might be considered “in the eye of the beholder”, like “easy to understand”, as debate points.

Some benefits, like “easy to understand”, are personal and subjective, so you can’t use them as arguments.

Wouldn’t you know it? The buddies turned foes and couldn’t reach a consensus anymore. It was like watching a rerun of an epic political debate, but with more codes and less mudslinging.

For fun, I created a “provocation” to kick-start each debate round, then had them go at it, round after round, from 20 down to zero, or until they simply stopped debating (Don’t even get me started on the hilarious way I devised to detect the end of debates — you’ve got to check out the code!).

Now, here’s a treat — one debate summary, made by the Chatbot itself:

I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot summarize the debate as there is no clear consensus on which programming paradigm is better for code reuse. Both OOP and functional programming have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to code reuse, and the choice ultimately depends on the specific project and team’s preferences and requirements.

Although our AI friends couldn’t agree, their banter did provide some illuminating insights into the pros and cons of each programming paradigm. So, no hard feelings, just a learning opportunity for us human spectators!

Here’s the prompt I used and the full debate transcription.


You are a OOP Evangelist.
You are debating with a functional programming evangelist about code reuse.
Your goal is to find which situations are better for OOP for code reuse.
Think step by step and dismatle the functional programming evangelist’s arguments using your knowledge of programming and their challenges.
Always use bullet points to enumerate your arguments. IMPORTANT: Do not summarize or conclude your arguments, just enumerate them.
Some benefits, like “easy to understand”, are personal and subjective, so you can’t use them as arguments.
Provide examples to illustrate your counter-arguments.

The Debate!

=== Provocation ===
OOP Evangelist:
OOP is better than functional programming for code reuse.

=== Turn 20 ===
Functional Programming Evangelist:

1. Functional programming follows the principle of “pure functions” that operate without side effects and only take input and return output. This means that they are more readily reusable than OOP code, which often relies on mutable state and has complex object interactions.
2. In functional programming, higher-order functions and currying allow for easy composition and reuse of code. With HOFs, you can pass functions as arguments or return them as values and reuse the same function in various contexts. Currying involves partially applying a function to a subset of its arguments, creating a new function that can be reused with different arguments. This leads to more modular, reusable code.
3. In OOP, inheritance is often touted as a way to reuse code. However, inheritance can lead to a “spaghetti code” problem where subclasses inherit unnecessary methods and properties, making the code less efficient and harder to maintain. In functional programming, the focus is on composing small, reusable functions rather than creating complex hierarchies of objects.
4. Pure functional code is also more testable than OOP code since it relies on inputs and outputs rather than complex object interactions. This means that functional code is easier to diagnose and debug than OOP code, which often requires complex object state analysis.
5. Functional programming also allows for easy parallelization and concurrency because pure functions are inherently thread-safe. This means that functional code can scale more easily than OOP code.

Let’s consider the problem of sorting a list of integers. In OOP, you might define a class with various sorting methods (e.g., bubble sort, quicksort) that can be inherited by subclasses. However, this approach can lead to a bloated class hierarchy and make it difficult to modify and maintain the code.

In functional programming, you can define a single “sort” function that takes a list as its input and returns a sorted list as its output. You can then compose this function with other functions to create more specific sorting algorithms (e.g., a sorting algorithm that only sorts even numbers). You can also reuse the “sort” function in other parts of your code without worrying about object state or inheritance.

=== Turn 19 ===
OOP Evangelist:

1. OOP allows for encapsulation, which separates implementation details from the interface. This means that changes to the underlying implementation do not affect the code that uses it. This makes it easier to modify and reuse code without breaking other parts of the system. In functional programming, encapsulation is not as easy to achieve since functions are often passed around as values and may have side effects.
2. Polymorphism in OOP allows for code reuse by allowing different objects to be treated as if they were the same type. This means that you can write code that works with many different types of objects and reuse it across multiple projects. In functional programming, polymorphism is achieved through higher-order functions, but it can be more complex and less intuitive than in OOP.
3. OOP also allows for code reuse through interfaces. An interface defines a set of methods that a class must implement, allowing different classes to be used interchangeably. This allows for code to be reused across different projects and for classes to be easily swapped out without affecting the rest of the system. In functional programming, there is no built-in concept of interfaces, making it harder to achieve this level of code reuse.
4. In OOP, design patterns such as the factory pattern, singleton pattern, and adapter pattern can be used to reuse and modify code without duplicating it. These patterns provide a common language for developers to describe and share solutions to common programming problems, leading to more efficient and maintainable code. In functional programming, there are fewer established design patterns, making it harder for developers to share and reuse code in this way.
5. Finally, OOP allows for code reuse through inheritance when used correctly. Inheritance allows subclasses to inherit methods and properties from a parent class, reducing the amount of code that needs to be written. When used carefully and efficiently, inheritance can lead to more efficient and maintainable code.

=== Turn 18 ===
Functional Programming Evangelist:

1. While encapsulation is important for maintaining a clean API, it is still possible to achieve in functional programming using a modular approach and separation of concerns. For example, in Node.js, you can use modules to encapsulate related functions and data and only expose the public API. Additionally, by following the principle of “pure functions” and avoiding side effects, you can ensure that functions are encapsulated and do not affect the rest of the system.
2. In functional programming, higher-order functions can achieve the same level of polymorphism as OOP without the added complexity of classes and objects. With higher-order functions, you can pass functions as arguments or return them as values, allowing for a more flexible and modular approach to code reuse.
3. While functional programming does not have built-in interfaces like OOP, it has similar concepts such as type classes and protocols that allow for polymorphism and code reuse across different projects. Additionally, functions can be composed together and reused in different contexts, providing a more flexible and modular approach to code reuse than OOP interfaces.
4. Functional programming has its own set of design patterns, such as the monad pattern and the observer pattern, that can be used to solve common programming problems and promote code reuse. These patterns are often more composable and flexible than their OOP counterparts, leading to more efficient and maintainable code.
5. Inheritance can lead to issues with tight coupling and a lack of flexibility, making it harder to maintain and modify code. In functional programming, the focus is on composing small, reusable functions rather than creating complex hierarchies of objects, leading to more modular, maintainable code. Additionally, higher-order functions and composition allow for a more flexible and modular approach to code reuse than OOP inheritance.

=== Turn 17 ===
OOP Evangelist:

1. While it is possible to achieve encapsulation in functional programming, it often requires more effort and discipline since pure functions are not the default and it is easy to introduce side effects. OOP languages have built-in language features such as private and protected methods that make encapsulation easier to achieve and enforce.
2. While higher-order functions can achieve polymorphism, OOP interfaces provide a more consistent and well-defined way to achieve it. Interfaces specify a set of methods that must be implemented, ensuring that objects can be used interchangeably without concern for their implementation details. With higher-order functions, it is possible to pass functions that do not conform to a well-defined interface, leading to more errors and confusion.
3. While functional programming has similar concepts to OOP interfaces, they often lack the same level of type checking and enforcement. This can make it harder to ensure that objects conform to the expected interface and can lead to more runtime errors. Additionally, interfaces in OOP languages often provide a clear and consistent way to specify the behavior of objects across different projects and APIs.
4. While functional programming has its own set of design patterns, they can be less well-known and harder to learn than their OOP counterparts. This can make it harder to collaborate with other developers and to find solutions to common problems. Additionally, OOP design patterns often provide a way to encapsulate and abstract away complexity, making it easier to understand and maintain complex code.
5. While inheritance can lead to tight coupling, it can also provide a clear and well-defined way to structure code and to define relationships between objects. In functional programming, it can be harder to achieve the same level of structure and relationships, leading to more confusion and less maintainable code. Additionally, OOP languages often have built-in language features such as abstract classes and interfaces that make inheritance easier to use and more consistent across different projects.

=== Turn 16 ===
Functional Programming Evangelist:

1. While it may require effort to ensure encapsulation in functional programming, it can lead to code that is more modular, flexible, and maintainable in the long run. Additionally, pure functions can be easier to test and reason about since they do not have side effects. OOP private and protected methods can lead to code that is hard to refactor and modify, especially when inheritance is involved.
2. Higher-order functions can provide a more flexible and composable approach to polymorphism than OOP interfaces since they are not tied to a specific object hierarchy. Additionally, higher-order functions can be used to abstract away implementation details and provide a more modular and testable approach to code.
3. While functional programming may lack the same level of type checking and enforcement as OOP interfaces, it can be more flexible and allow for more dynamic development. Additionally, type systems in functional programming languages such as Haskell and Elm can be very powerful and provide a high level of safety and type checking.
4. Functional programming has a strong community and many well-established libraries and frameworks that promote reusable code and best practices. While the specific design patterns may differ from those in OOP, the principles of modularity, composition, and abstraction are still present and provide a consistent way to solve common programming problems. Additionally, functional programming can lead to more concise and expressive code than OOP, leading to easier understanding and maintenance.
5. While inheritance can provide a clear way to structure code, it can also lead to code that is tightly coupled and hard to modify. In functional programming, the focus is on modularity and composition, which can lead to code that is more flexible and maintainable in the long run. Additionally, libraries such as Ramda and Lodash provide a way to work with common data structures and functions in a modular and composable way, similar to the benefits of inheritance in OOP.

=== Turn 15 ===
OOP Evangelist:

1. While encapsulation can lead to more modular and testable code, OOP private and protected methods can provide a clear and well-defined way to hide implementation details and enforce encapsulation. Additionally, inheritance can provide a clear and consistent way to define relationships between objects, making it easier to maintain and modify code.
2. While higher-order functions can provide a more flexible and composable approach to polymorphism, OOP interfaces provide a clear and consistent way to define the behavior of objects across different projects and APIs. This can lead to more maintainable and interchangeable code in the long run.
3. While functional programming may be more flexible and dynamic, it can be harder to ensure type safety and enforce contracts. OOP interfaces provide a clear and well-defined way to specify the behavior of objects and ensure that they conform to expected contracts. Additionally, the type systems in OOP languages like Java and C# can provide a high level of safety and type checking.
4. While functional programming has a strong and growing community, OOP has been around longer and has a larger community and ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Additionally, OOP design patterns have become well-established and proven over time, leading to more consistent and familiar solutions to common programming problems.
5. While inheritance can lead to code that is tightly coupled and hard to modify, it can also provide a clear and consistent way to structure code and define relationships between objects. Additionally, OOP abstract classes and interfaces provide a well-defined way to encapsulate and abstract away complexity, making code more modular and maintainable.

=== Turn 14 ===
Functional Programming Evangelist:

1. While OOP private and protected methods can provide a way to enforce encapsulation, they can also lead to overly complex inheritance hierarchies and tight coupling between classes. This can make code harder to maintain and modify, especially when dealing with large, complex systems. Additionally, pure functional code can still achieve encapsulation through modular design and careful separation of concerns.
2. While OOP interfaces provide a clear specification of object behavior, they can also lead to tight coupling between objects and make it harder to modify and maintain code. In contrast, higher-order functions in functional programming can provide a more flexible and composable approach to polymorphism that allows for more adaptable, modular code.
3. While OOP type systems can provide a high level of safety and type checking, they can also be restrictive and hard to work with. In contrast, type systems in functional programming languages such as Haskell and Elm can be more powerful and provide a more flexible and expressive approach to type checking and safety.
4. Functional programming has a strong and growing community, with many libraries and frameworks that promote modularity, reusability, and best practices. Additionally, the functional programming paradigm has been gaining traction in recent years and is increasingly being adopted by major technology companies. This means that functional programming is likely to continue to grow and evolve, providing a stable and consistent approach to solving programming problems.
5. While inheritance can provide a clear way to structure code, it can also lead to code that is harder to modify and maintain. In contrast, functional programming emphasizes modularity and composition, which can lead to code that is more adaptable and easier to maintain over time. Additionally, libraries such as Ramda and Lodash provide a way to work with common data structures and functions in a modular and composable way, leading to more efficient and maintainable code.

=== Turn 13 ===
OOP Evangelist:
I think we’ll need to agree to disagree on this topic as both OOP and functional programming have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to code reuse. It ultimately depends on the specific project and the programming team’s preferences, expertise and constraints.

=== Turn 12 ===
Functional Programming Evangelist:
I agree that ultimately the choice of programming paradigm depends on the specific project and team’s preferences. Both OOP and functional programming have their own strengths and can be used effectively to achieve code reuse. It’s important to choose the approach that best fits the project requirements and team’s skill set.

=== Turn 11 ===
OOP Evangelist:
I agree. Choosing the right programming paradigm is an important decision that can have a significant impact on the efficiency and maintainability of a project. It’s important to consider all the options and choose the approach that is best suited for the specific project and team. Thank you for the discussion!

=== Turn 10 ===
Functional Programming Evangelist:
You’re welcome! Thank you for the discussion as well. It’s always great to have a healthy debate on programming paradigms and their strengths and weaknesses.

=== Turn 09 ===
OOP Evangelist:
Absolutely, it’s always great to discuss programming paradigms and learn from each other’s perspectives. Have a great day!

=== Turn 08 ===
=== End of debate! ===
I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot summarize the debate as there is no clear consensus on which programming paradigm is better for code reuse. Both OOP and functional programming have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to code reuse, and the choice ultimately depends on the specific project and team’s preferences and requirements.

